I don’t know about you lot, but my Timehop is essentially just a constant reminder of my bad eyebrow choices. I spent the majority of my teenage years and even my early 20s with approximately 7 hairs on each eyebrow, and then took the Scouse brow look so far that I was basically just walking eyebrows with legs attached. As with many aspects of my life now that I’m in my mid-20s (and can nearly type that without throwing up), I think I’ve finally reached a happy medium with the brows. They’re there, they’re strong, but I don’t have to worry about them overthrowing me or running for president in 2020.
The beauty market may be saturated with brow products at the moment, but I think the key is actually to use as few products as possible. Using a mixture of powders, pencils, gels and waxes is just going to over-complicate things, and ain’t nobody got time for that, surely? So these are the products I recommend for keeping it simple and achieving the perfect brow every time. First up, whether you shape your brows completely by yourself or get them done professionally and so are only responsible for a bit of maintenance, a good pair of tweezers are essential. I’ve recently been using this amazing set from The Vintage Cosmetic Company* – not only are they about as pretty as tweezers can be, but the slanted tips also make precision plucking super easy.
Next, you need your actual brow product. I’ve tried quite a few in my time, and without a shadow of a doubt my favourite to date is the Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade. This stuff… oh, THIS STUFF. There are so many reviews of the Dipbrow Pomade floating about, and believe that it is so worth the hype. It does take a bit of practice to get used to, but you can manipulate this product to create as strong or as subtle a brow as you like. And once it’s in place, it doesn’t budge for anybody. I can go to the gym and sweat so much I resemble Alex Mack after she turned into a puddle (hoping some of my fellow 90s kids will get that reference), but my eyebrows will still be in perfect condition.
So the product is amazing, but the key to getting a really precise result with the Pomade is to have a good brush. A small, angled eyebrow brush is ideal for the job, and this cheap one from ELF is more than good enough. Top tip: to achieve that gradient effect where the eyebrows look a bit more faded towards the middle of the eyebrows, position your hands further down the handle of the brush. This forces you to be much lighter-handed with the product and creates a softer effect.
Finally, if you’re after a really polished look, then dabbing some concealer along your brow bone will help to make the entire area look flawless. I was recently sent this Collection Illuminating Touch Brightening Concealer* and it’s fantastic for this as it also acts a highlight to lift the eye area.
These few products have made up my entire eyebrow routine for months now, and I can’t see myself changing it any time soon. I hope some of you have found something vaguely useful in here, and that maybe one day we’ll be able to look back at our eyebrow choices without cringing.
What are your tips or favourite products for the perfect brows? Let me know in the comments
I love the dip pomade too, works so so well! Will have to try the collection concealer!
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
It’s amazing isn’t it? I really recommend the concealer, great for under the eyes too! xx
Love this post. My brows are are need of some styling!
Jenn | Jennifer Jayne
Glad you enjoyed it Jenn! xx
hallelujah for the Anastasia DipBrow!! <3
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Yes gurrrrl, it’s magical stuff
I am totally all over you on this one, I love those tweezers and I don’t know where I would be without ABH dipbrow xxx
SERIOUSLY I don’t think I could cope without it now. Glad you’re a fan too lovely
I’m yet to try the dip brow pomade – it’s been on my wish list for ages now! x
You need to take if off the wishlist and into your makeup bag, I promise you won’t regret it
I love the ABH Dip Brow Pomade – why did I resist the hype for so long?! xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty | Zoeva Giveaway
My feelings exactly
I love the opening of your post, it’s hilarious! Completely agree about having a good pair of tweezers, they can make all the difference!
Velvet Blush
Haha thank you lovely! And you’re SO right, I’ve had so many crap pairs in the past but you really notice a difference once you have some good’uns xx
Loved reading this, as I really struggle with barely there brows in the morning, so I NEED to check these products out! xxx
Thanks for reading Charlotte, glad you found it useful