Hi. My name is Bells and I blog over at Bells’ Little Ones. My hair is very important to me. Well, it is to any girl right (any normal one anyway!)?
Somehow (I suspect through a blog) I got it into my head that my life hair would be changed forever if I started using a silicone free shampoo. Apparently this yucky stuff can be found in most shampoos and conditioners and over time, builds up on your hair. End result? Dull, limp, flat hair with no shine. Oh dear God.

Apologies for my early morning unattractiveness
Obviously, like Claire I am a totally natural blonde *ahem* but I often find every few months that this unexplained darker hair starts taking over the top of my scalp. Weird huh. Anyway, when my hair is dirtier these so called ‘roots’ often show up a lot worse – see exhibit A below. I find myself washing my hair every day (yes, the hair in these horrific ‘before’ photos was only washed 24 hours ago…. shocking) which I know is not good for it but what can I do when these pesky silicones are sucking the life out of it?

Don’t judge me!
So what was I hoping to get out of this shampoo? Well obviously I was hoping for hair that looks like Scarlett Johansson’s but that might be an unrealistic expectation for high street shampoo. However I was at least hoping that my hair would feel fresher, less heavy and still have the volumising effect that I look for in a good shampoo.

I have to say, I wasn’t disappointed and I was impressed with the volume I achieved (no upside down blow drying necessary… come on, I know you’ve all done it!). However, I wouldn’t say that my life was changed in any earth shattering way, it slightly irritated me that I couldn’t seem to work up a really good lather with it and, at £6.50 for a 400ml bottle (so £13 for your shampoo and conditioner set), it’s a bit more expensive that your average products. I’ve always been an avid user of the (no doubt silicone filled) Herbal Essences range which are more reasonably priced at £3.79 per bottle, even when they aren’t on offer…. which they nearly always are.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to stick with this new silicone free approach – while I can’t deny that my hair does feel cleaner and I do like to support shops like The Body Shop for at least trying to save our planet a teensy bit, I’m not sure if my purse strings will allow it! However if I persevere and find myself only needing to wash my hair every other day, I figure the extra cost will balance itself out, not only in the amount of product used but also in wasted time and shower water! One final photo…. the dreaded roots test! A vast improvement I’m sure you’ll agree!

If you want to see how my little shampoo experiment pans out (oh the important tasks I undertake for the good of womankind) then feel free to bombard Claire and Lauren with emails and tweets begging them to invite me back!
i’ve been looking for a volumising shampoo for a while now, i still havnt found one that works! i might have to give this one a go!
It looks great, doesn’t it?! Can’t believe the before and after difference xx