Hello chums.
Well here I am again, legging it after the bandwagon because I have well and truly missed it.
On a recent shopping trip, I nipped into Boots and decided there was nothing in life I needed more than some kind of bronzing cream with which to contour. After watching Laura Leigh’s (from Belle’s Boutique) contouring tutorial (in which she used Tom Ford’s Shade and Illuminate), I have been a-hankering after a cream to use with my foundation – instead of using highlighter/bronzer after powdering. After sneaking around Boots wondering if such a highstreet product existed, I had a stroke of wizarding genius. BOURJOIS BRONZING PRIMER*
I have read so many blogs that have reviewed the Bourjois Bronzing Primer and most have raved about it. But I have to say, it’s completely baffled me why you would want a primer that bronzes your face too. Fine if you are a gal who just wears primer out (do any lunatics actually do this?), but for us gals who like to trowel on foundation with gay abandon – WHAT IS LE POINT?
So I decided to be a maverick and use this product for something it wasn’t meant for. ‘Pardon and what?!’ I hear you say. Yes, that is correct; I don’t play by anyone’s rules, not even my own.
I figured that because it was cream based, bronze in colour – it would do the job that Laura Leigh’s Tom Ford product did so brilliantly. AND WAS I RIGHT OR WAS I RIGHT?!
As you can see, this is quite an orange product. I would suggest that if you don’t slap on St Moriz like the Fake Tan Fuhrer is after you, it might be a bit too orangey for pale skin. However, I am permanently an orange, glowing beacon of hope ridiculousness – so the colour is perfecto.
I won’t bore anyone too much with how I went about contouring. In brief, I stippled product onto my hairline, cheekbones, nose and chin. I blended vair well (to avoid looking like I had tried and failed at lion fancy dress) and added highlighter. Watch Laura’s vlog for the full how-to, she’s much better at it than I am.
And this was the result. Not too shabby for my first attempt at cream contouring and I’m pleased with how the Bourjois Bronzing Primer performed in it’s second role. I’m sure there’s a joke here about being a poor, single mother working two jobs to survive but unfortunately I can’t quite reach it. My look is much more subtle than Laura’s, but as I’m off for luncheon and it is only 11am, I didn’t want to look too mad.
The Bronzing Primer retails at £9.99 if any of you gals are interested.
*They also do a bronzing cream. Which was right next to the primer at Boots. Do not question my logic, I have none.
What do you all thnk? Tempted to try using this as a contouring product?
Love this!! What a good idea
defo going to put my bronzing primer to contouring use!! Xxx
Yeah its defo worth giving a go! Let me know how you get on xxxx
I love it. I adore the smell too!
Ahhh me too! I was skeptical when they said it was addictive but it really is
I love Bourjois, but I have to say that I’m not entirely convinced by this one. I guess the only way to find out if it’s for me is to try it out. Essie Button also did a great thing on this on her YouTube channel :o). Xx
I wasn’t HUGELY convinced about the product itself as a primer – I find the concept of bronzing underneath your foundation very strange! Saying that, I do really like using it as a contour product – especially if I have the dreaded pale face brown body scenario! I will defo have to check her vlog out
Thanks for the heads up lovely! xxxx