Crop Top* & Heels*: Entire Desire | Trousers: Topshop (similar here) | Bag: Michael Kors
Hello there my little internet pals. Originally this was going to be a generic #ootd post, showcasing this (surprise, surprise!) monochromatic ensemble. However, something kind of strange has been happening to me over the last couple of months that’s meant that no longer seemed enough. And it’s this: I’ve grown sick of fluff.
Whether it’s writing it or reading it, I’ve finally reached a point where I’m not quite satisfied by ‘heeeey here are some perspex heels, they’re really cool because from afar you kinda look like you’re levitating lol’ chit chat. (Though that’s not to say I don’t still love perspex heels. And these ones in particular, which are from Entire Desire, if you were wondering.)
I think my fluff-aversion has started to stem from me actively trying to cut down on the amount of time I’m spending on social media. Yep, I do realise it’s weird to say that immeditely after posting my Day in the Life of a Social Media Exec post, but I think the fact that it’s my day job is even more reason to start going offline. It’s eye-rollingly cliche to say, but it’s finally hit me how much better use I could make of the time I currently spend scrolling.
One thing I’ve noticed is that I struggle to write long passages of text these days, and for a while I wondered whether I’d just fell out of love with blogging. But instead, I think it’s stemmed from the sort of content I’ve mainly been consuming. After all, how can I be inspired to write considered blog posts when the longest things I’m reading some days are snappy Insta captions? How can I keep my focus when my hand reaches to open the Twitter app almost of its own free will, like the hand from The Addams Family?
I’ve known for a long time that my writing is never clearer or wittier than when I’m going through a phase of reading a lot. So that’s what I’m aiming to do a lot more of, whether it’s a novel, article or post from one of my favourite bloggers (current faves for thought pieces are Chloe Plumstead, Vix Meldrew and Hannah Gale FYI).
This isn’t to say I’m going to start leaving my phone in the garage overnight or only communicate by carrier pigeon from now on. I’m still a big ole’ fan of technology. Rather, I want to start using this tech for more engaging content consumption. If I have to sit at a screen during my lunch then I want to be reading online magazines rather than online shopping – god knows my ISA will thank me – and drifting off to sleep with a podcast rather than eye strain from Insta-stalking.
Of course you’ll still find me on my usual social channels (links over in the side bar, Pluggy McPlugger), but hopefully you’ll see me embracing more fluff-free content on here too.
Except when I’m hungover. Then fluff if the best you’re gonna get.
(Okay, I actually can’t finish this post without talking about these perspex heels again. They’re currently in the sale for less than £19, AND YOU REALLY DO LOOK LIKE YOU’RE LEVITATING, LOL.)
Love the outfit! I tend to prefer reading blog posts to scrolling through Instagram, especially since the damn alogrithm! I’ve told myself I need to spend less time scrolling through Twitter though x
Jenny | LuxeStyle
I always try and put my phone down and spend less time scrolling through my different social media apps. By the way I love your trousers, they are to die for!
Danielle xx
This outfit is so beautiful! damn I wish i was skinny and could rock it myself
nice style