January 2017 Round-Up

Jan Round UpWinter uniform | Pretending I’m Kendall Jenner | Nude and new
Budapest prettiness | Budapest tastiness | Nouveau #LashGang treats
Where you could have found me most of January | #ittybittytittycommittee benefits | Work #ootd

Okay, so I’m sure it’s not just me who thinks that it’s been January for about, er, three years now? Don’t get me wrong, its been a good month; but I’m still ready for it to end so I can actually start to picture a time in my life where I can wear peep toes again. And yes, I was raving about how I couldn’t wait for winter fashion in August, but I just like being contrary okay..?

So anyway, this January was a fun one (even if the fact that I was working between Christmas and New Year meant that I was ready to chokeslam anyone still asking how my Christmas was past the 4th). The highlight was of course my dreamy winter trip to Budapest , which you can read about here if you haven’t already. But even aside from that, it’s been a nice month of lazing around, being pampered and getting myself back into a good tanning regime. I know, they don’t call me Claire ‘Productive’ Cavanagh for nothing.

What have you all been up to in January? Let me know in the comments!

9 Responses

  1. Jayd Alice January 31, 2017 / 2:06 pm

    I can totally relate to the Christmas thing, I worked it all too and it was THE WORST when people asked my how my holidays were! Your trip to Budapest sounds dreamy as, I’m hoping to go there myself in summer! x

    Always, Alice

    • Claire February 1, 2017 / 1:47 pm

      Ugh, so annoying wasn’t it haha! Oh amazing, I’m sure you’ll have the best time 🙂 xx

    • Claire February 1, 2017 / 1:47 pm

      SO cheap too, get to Primark at once 🙂 xx

  2. Lucy January 31, 2017 / 9:17 pm

    Sounds like you’ve had a lovely first month of the new year! I’ve spent it getting back into the swing of things at uni!xx

    Lucy x | lucy-cole.co.uk

    • Claire February 1, 2017 / 1:47 pm

      I remember how hard it was getting back after a month off uni – good luck! 🙂 xx

  3. Pam February 1, 2017 / 8:49 am

    those boots are seriously fab! love them!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    • Claire February 1, 2017 / 1:48 pm

      Pretty dreamy aren’t they?! Nice bargain too 😉 xx

  4. Sandra February 5, 2017 / 12:01 am

    I am so ready for warmer weather! I am also one of those that starts saying how much I want Autumn/Winter by the end of August, but this winter is taking the pi** .. I’m over it haha 😀 x


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