January Fashion Haul: Missguided, Boohoo & Primark

So, how are all of your post-Christmas spending bans going? Yeah, mine’s going great too thanks. Anyway, moving on…

Haul 11th Collage 1Playsuit (sold out) £15 / Jumpsuit £25 – Both Missguided.com
I placed a cheeky little Missguided order just after Christmas, I think with the intention of getting something to wear for New Year’s Eve. In the end our NYE plans were cancelled and I ended up staying in, eating pizza and watching repeats of Stars in Their Eyes (which was surprisingly fun, actually – there was a very impressive Cliff Richard), so neither of these were worn for the occasion – but aren’t they flippin’ beautiful?

I also picked up a Bardot body from the Sweet Deal range (though that’s currently in the wash) and some leggings – which did NOT please me length-wise, being the longest leggings known to mankind and completely unwearable. Hmph.

Haul 11th Collage 2Crop Top (sold out) £4 / Chelsea Boots£ 30 – Both Boohoo.com
Not long after New Year I ended up making a little Boohoo order too. This was for no other reason than I was fighting the January blues, and realised that these boots were the one and only thing that could bring happiness to my life. And my oh my, they have made every day better since. 

Haul 11th 7Sports Bra £4 – Primark
My gym is currently twice as busy as it was pre-Christmas due to all of the ‘New Year New Me’ gym joiners – and this is a trend that Primark clearly knows all about, as their gymwear has been moved from a dusty corner at the back, right to the front of my local store. Now, it will come as no surprise to you that I don’t really need to wear a sports bra, seeing as I essentially have no boobs whatsoever – but I couldn’t say no to this neon crop of joy.

Haul 11th 6Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan / Sultry Eyelashes £1 each – both Primark
I’ve been wanting to try out the Cocoa Brown fake tan for ever and ever and ever AMEN, and today was finally the day I added it to my massive Primark basket. I’m going to a party tonight and am currently the ultimate pail Gale, so can’t wait to blast my skin with this and see how it turns out. I think this is about £6 a bottle (currently too comfy on the sofa to go and check my receipt, soz) which is expensive compared to my usual St Moriz – but I’ve heard such good things about it that I decided it was worth the extra pounds. Rumour has it that Cocoa Brown tan doesn’t even smell like fake tan. Wizardry.

I also stocked up on a couple of pairs of Primark’s eyelashes in ‘Sultry’. I reviewed these lashes here and they’re genuinely pretty amazing for just one measly quid.

Haul 11th 5Necklace £3 / Midi Rings £1.50 – Both Primark
Primark’s currently coming up with some absolutely beautiful statement necklaces, and this one was too much of a bargain to resist. You can’t see well in the photo, but it’s rose gold metal woven with a kind of pearlescent cream material. I also picked up a pack of three silver midi rings. I have horrendously fat fingers and so I’ve got no idea whether these will look good or not, but for £1.50 I was willing to risk it.

I also picked up some Primark essentials including tights, leggings, hair bands and a new hair donut, but thought I’d spare you the boredom of seeing those. And now I must get back to my life, and look up what ‘spending ban’ actually means…

What do you think of this haul? What have you been buying lately?

10 Responses

    • Claire January 13, 2014 / 9:33 am

      Thank you, I love them dearly too :’) xx

  1. Rinica January 11, 2014 / 9:38 pm

    I love the Chelsea boots, there gorgeous always have such beautiful boots :D. And even with minimum boobage it’s still super important to wear a sports bra you can still do damage apparently I actually quite like the sports wear in primark they’ve brightened it up a bit xx


    • Claire January 13, 2014 / 9:36 am

      There were so many beautiful pairs, Boohoo & Missguided always have beaut footwear! Ahh really? I’ve never known much about it tbh, I thought it was more of a comfort thing – will be much happier now though knowing that my tiny amount of boob is protected 😉 xx

  2. Cheryl January 12, 2014 / 9:04 am

    The playsuit is just gorgeous! Pity it’s sold out though 🙁


    • Claire January 13, 2014 / 9:38 am

      I was tempted by it for ages and couldn’t believe that it was still in my size for so long, had to give in eventually haha! xx

  3. jenn January 12, 2014 / 2:47 pm

    I stayed in on New Years too, we had chinese and watched some best of 2013 countdown -I wish I’d been watching Stars in their Eyes!
    Love the chelsea boots, I’ve not bought anything from Boohoo before, heading over to the site right now…

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


    • Claire January 13, 2014 / 9:40 am

      Ahh glad we weren’t the only ones haha! Stars in their Eyes was on about midnight on Challenge, I don’t think viewer ratings would have been particularly high 😉 I find Boohoo to be a bit hit and miss sometimes, but so pleased with these two! xx

  4. Lauren January 13, 2014 / 6:48 am

    Where did you get these super long leggings, missguided sweet deal? I can never get leggings long enough for me!

    • Claire January 13, 2014 / 9:41 am

      Yep, they’re the £3.99 ones I think! Got S/M and they’re ridiculously long on me 🙂 xx

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