Karora Tinted Self Tan Mist | Review

Karora Tan 2Happy Sunday chicas! Today’s review is for all my fellow fake tanners out there (shout out to the girls for whom white bed sheets can only ever be a dream – the struggle is real, so real).

Last week I was invited to an event in Manchester by CiCi PR, where I was lucky enough to come away with a bottle of Karora Tinted Self Tan Mist to try out. I hadn’t heard of Karora before, which actually isn’t too much of a surprise as it’s quite a high-end tanning brand and I considered myself to be quite the fancy Nancy when I progressed from £3 St Moriz to £6 Cocoa Brown. Karora retails for between £14.99 to £26.99 so is out of my usual price range, but I was crazy excited to give it a go.

Karora prides itself on being a ‘botanical bronzing range with skincare status’. The Tinted Self Tan Mist which I tried is packed with skin-benefiting ingredients including aloe, acai berry, argan and coconut oil, meaning that you get the bronzed glow without any of the chemicals found in other fake tans. Usually I’d be all ‘chemicals schmemicals’ about claims like that, but I’ve got to admit that the tan did feel much more moisturising and nourishing to apply than any other tan I’ve used before. It goes on light, but with a handy guide colour, and leaves a faint citrus-y smell.

Karora Tan Before and AfterI applied before bed and then when I woke up in this morning, ta daaa! I know these photos were taken at different times of the day and even the carpet looks a tad anaemic but I assure you the difference was as prominent.

The colour was beautifully even and, dare I say it, natural-looking (not that I have any memory of what a natural tan looks like, so long has it been since my pasty body graced a beach). I tried out the Light-Medium shade and am still really impressed with the colour; for a night out I would probably prefer the Medium-Dark shade, but as a day-to-day tan for the working week this is absolutely perfect.

It’s also definitely worth pointing out that I only used a couple of spritzes for each part of my body to achieve this colour, so I think the bottle should last a fairly long time.  When you compare that with a cheaper brand like St Moriz that I used to plough through at an alarming rate, the higher price tag suddenly doesn’t seem so bad.

The Tinted Self Tan Mist retails for £17.99 and can currently be found online or in Lloyds pharmacy.

Have you ever tried Karora?

6 Responses

    • Claire May 18, 2014 / 5:52 pm

      I definitely recommend it 🙂 xx

  1. Jessica Edmunds May 18, 2014 / 2:26 pm

    It definitely looks natural hun, really nice colour makes me feel a bit bad about my sorry skin haha xxx

    • Claire May 18, 2014 / 5:52 pm

      It’s really nice, not too orangey at all. Haha oh mine will be back to a patchy mess in a couple of days though I’m sure..! xx

  2. Kim Wilkes May 18, 2014 / 3:27 pm

    I love that it just looks like you’ve been out and caught some sun,rather than being day glo orange.It really suits you! x

    • Claire May 18, 2014 / 5:55 pm

      Thank you! It’s perfect for this time of year too when MAYBE I’ve just been out in the garden 😉 (even though I can’t tan when on holiday for 2 weeks, never mind an afternoon in the UK) xx

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