Manuka Doctor: Apinourish Introductory Kit Review.

AH SKINCARE. I’m on the eternal hunt for skincare that works miracles for my useless skin. I have big pores, oily, prone to blemishes, uneven… i.e. the biggest snore known to humankind. I’ve used products that work, products that don’t, but haven’t yet come across that one product that I am like, ‘yes, you are the one. Let’s settle down and have many children together’.

The kind humans at sent Claire and I a few products (I thoroughly recommend checking out their site if you haven’t already…makeup/skincare/EVERYTHING galore. The prices tend to be a bit cheaper than RRP – so worth it) and I picked the Apinourish Introductory Kit by Manuka Doctor. I’ve heard loads of good things about the brand and figured it would be a good way of trying a few of their products in one go.

So anyway…bee venom.

Am I the only one that imagines the concept of bee venom skincare as a swarm of bees stinging your face, while you run around shouting ‘GUT GOTT, I BETTER LOOK LIKE SCARLETT JOHANSSON AFTER THIS’? Apparently, that’s not actually how it works. The Manuka Doctor products come in quite unassuming packaging, not even a single live bee in sight. The idea of bee venom is to trick your skin into believing it’s been mildly stung, meaning your skin looks more youthful, wrinkle free and generally in better condition. I may only be 22, but I’m keen to get the anti-ageing process started so that I ideally look about 5 years old by the time I’m 40.



These are the products I chose, they’re sample size (25ml) but I’ve been using them for around a week and they are nowhere near running out. It’s practically magic.

Repairing Skin Cream:

I’ve been using this as my day cream under makeup, and I’ve been hugely happy. It’s not greasy at all and is so so soft. It smells quiet nice, fresh with a hint of chemically smell (it’s not unpleasant!). It works well as a primer too and I’ve noticed my makeup staying on really well. Top marks Manuka Doctor!


Rejuvenating Face Mask:

I love a face mask, there’s something about sitting with a load of gunk on your face to make you feel like a beautiful woman. This one is really moisturising and my skin feels and looks amazing afterwards. The large size of the face mask is £49.99 and I think you can really tell this is a higher end product (particularly as my masks masks usually come from the 99p price range). I totally recommend guys!


Restoring Night Cream:

Some of you may be horrified to know that I’ve never owned a night cream. I am a failure of a beauty blogger. So, I don’t have much to compare this one to BUT I love it! It smells lovely and is really thick/moisturising. My skin looks even and  smooth when I wake up in the morning, which is something that doesn’t happen often.


OVERALL…I am truly loving this range of moisturiser. I’ve found my skin is improving daily (which is great for impatient gals like me) and I’m not wearing as much foundation as I usually do. HUZZAH AND THREE CHEERS FOR MERRY ENGLAND.

Manuka Doctor products are currently 3 for 2 at, so please do yourself and the bees of this world a favour and go and get involved!

Has anyone else tried Manuka Doctor? PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

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6 Responses

  1. Latasha JJ September 14, 2013 / 12:33 am

    Sounds like I definitely need to give Manuka skincare a try!! Don’t worry about not owning a night cream, I only really got into a proper skincare routine a few months ago (terrible aren’t we! haha)

    Lovely review!
    Latasha xx |Today I Adore

    • Lauren September 14, 2013 / 8:31 pm

      Hahaha YES. I’m glad I’m not the only one 🙂 Thanks for your comment lovely, I really recommend the Manuka Doctor products though, I’m loving them 🙂 xxx

  2. Tara September 14, 2013 / 9:42 pm

    Ahhhhh this looks so good, I’ve heard good things about Manuka Doctor too!! Great review lovely – really tempted to try too

    T x

    • Lauren September 14, 2013 / 9:44 pm

      I really recommend it!! It’s making such a difference 🙂 Thanks for your comment sweet xxxxx

  3. yasmine choudhry September 26, 2013 / 12:09 pm

    I would Love to try this range but being strict on myself as I have a mountain of stuff I need to use up. The amount of products I use & have d be a beauty blogger.
    Even though I have trialled products for Ysl ,Bliss. & many more premium ranges ve reviewing products. My friends ask me first before buying things as they know I will probably have tried it lol

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