Cor, how fit are these two?! Both of these beautiful palettes recently made their way into my makeup bag – my friend kindly bought me the Barry M Natural Glow 2 Palette for my birthday last month, while Sleek’s Precious Metals Highlighting Palette somehow fell into my Boots basket on a recent ‘just popping in for some essentials’ trip – and they’ve instantly became new favourites.

Barry M Natural Glow 2
As the number would suggest, this is the second Natural Glow palette from Barry M. I also owned the original palette, which as you’ll have seen if you read my Natural Glow 1 review, I wasn’t completely in love with. Thankfully, some of the problems of the original palette seem to have been sorted out for the new release. In contrast to the quite low pigmentation of the last palette, all of the eyshadows in Natural Glow 2 offer a good amount of buildable colour.
The shade range is also just as pretty, with some plum tones adding a bit more interest to the otherwise neutral palette. This time around, the blush has been replaced by a primer. I haven’t actually tried this out yet, for two reasons: 1. I’m far too in love with the Body Shop’s Wonderblur to try anything else, and 2. er, whose face is small enough to warrant such a tiny pan of primer? However, the eyeshadows are so nice that I’ll overlook the kind of pointless primer (I know, I have a heart of gold).

Sleek Precious Metals Highlighting Palette
I had actually been after the Sleek palette for a good few months before I finally picked it up. Aside from the fact that it’s just shiny and wonderful and my inner magpie caw-cawed all over the joint when I first saw it, I’d also seen a few reviews comparing it to the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette. The Hourglass palette is something I’ve admired from afar for a good year, but at over £50 it’s not really something I’ve seen myself buying any time soon so at £9.99 this is a much more affordable version. Kaaaaa-ching.
The palette has three cream highlighters and one powder. With the exception of the top left shade, this palette is very rose gold toned. These wouldn’t usually be my first choices, but I’m actually really happy with how they look on the skin and I think all of the shades are perfect for the upcoming Christmas party season (which I’m completely panicking about by the way – WHERE ARE ALL THE NICE DRESSES, PLEASE?)
Have you tried either of these palettes? Let me know in the comments!
That highlighting palette is beautiful! xx
SO pretty 🙂 Thanks for reading! xx
After reading I now know that I need that Sleek palette in my collection, the rose gold tones are beautiful! I also love the Barry M palettes, the shades are so wearable!
I’m a sucker for anything rose gold, but it really is lovely xx
oh my, the sleek palette looks absolutely gorgeous!
ooh I am definitely going to try something like this, the colours you have used go so well too!
Eilidh from Velvet Winter
Let me know what you think if you give it a go 🙂 Thanks for reading! xx
How pretty is the new Natural Glow palette! I saw a few reviews mentioning the weak pigmentation of the first one, glad it’s been sorted out with this release because the shades look gorgeous xx
Yesss, so much better thankfully 🙂 xx
I’m lusting after that sleek palette so pretty xx
Glossy Boutique
Isn’t it just! xx
Lovely buys! They all look so pretty..the sleek palette is something I’m after now. Hopefully they offer a darker colour selection for highlighting.
If you try it then let me know what you think 🙂 xx
Ooh I’m pleased that this Barry M palette is better than the first, I’d pretty much ignored it as I wasn’t too impressed at the first one. Loving all those shades (I’ll ignore the pointless primer too) so I’m going to give it a go.
Maybe the primer will come in handy one day (12th of Neverember), but til then I’m sure you’ll love the shadows 🙂 xx
They look great!
They really are 🙂 xx
GORGEOUS Sleek Palette.
Great review. <3
Katie Loves ~ UK Fashion & Beauty Blog
Follow on Bloglovin’ ~ ‘Katie Loves’
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Thanks lovely! It really is a beaut 🙂 xx
I recently got my hands on the Sleek palette – it’s so pretty I can’t wait to use it 🙂 I do have the Barry M palette somewhere too, need to dig it out! xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty
It’s almost too nice to use haha, worth it once you do though 🙂 xx
Oooh, these look so good! I definitely need that Sleek palette in my life! xxx
You do! xx
I have both of these palettes, they are so good! xo
Great minds 😉 They really are lovely xx
The sleek highlighter looks gorgeous
It really is lovely! xx