You know who I’m jealous of? Bears.
Given the choice, I would 100% like to hibernate when it starts to get cold. I don’t like having to wear bulky coats, I don’t like defrosting my car and I’m not even that big a fan of Christmas (boo hiss, I hear ya). However, I was for some reason born a human, and so hibernating is not yet socially acceptable for me. I have to suck it up and face the autumn/winter season each year, which also means making some slight alterations to my beauty regime. To take my mind off hibernation, I thought I would share some of the things I’ll be doing (when I’m not manically clutching hot water bottles/sending my bills sky-high by having the heating on 23 hours a day, anyway) that you might want to do too…

Change Your Colour Palette
During autumn/winter, I generally say goodbye to the bright pinks lips and white nails, and hello to a much darker colour palette. Berry reds and vampy purples will grace my lips on most wintery nights out, while my nails will see a lot of black, as well as deep jewel tones. This time of year is also when nails can get glitzy – or as my hero Big Ang would say, it’s time for “bling-bling on the fing-fing”.
Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise
Skin notoriously gets drier during the colder months, so it’s usually time for me to get more serious about moisturising. However, a body moisturiser isn’t really the sort of thing I would personally spend a lot of money on, so something like Vaseline Essential Moisture is just fine for me. Something worth spending a bit more on is a decent lip balm (as opposed to a cheap chapstick OR the dreaded pots of Vaseline, which I do think do more harm than good to your lips), and this Elemis Loving Lips one feels really nourishing. Finally, our hands take quite a lot of abuse during the winter as they’re exposed to the cold the most, so investing in a nice hand cream is also a good idea. Hand Food from Soap & Glory is also the perfect size at only 50ml, meaning you can carry it around in your bag with you.
Switch Up Your Hair Removal
I don’t personally suffer from very dry legs, but I know that some people do and that the cold weather can make the skin even more likely to become chapped and irritated. If that happens to you, then regular shaving is likely to irritate the skin even more. Autumn is the perfect time to try out alternative hair removal methods, such as waxing. During the summer, there’s always more of a chance that you’re going to have to get your legs out if a sudden nice day hits, and so most of us don’t want to let our leg hairs grow enough to get them waxed. At this time of year though, our legs are more likely to be hidden by tights or trousers, so it’s the ideal opportunity.
I was recently sent the new Veet Electrical Roll On Kit*, which I am SO excited to try in a week or so once my legs are ready. This retails for around £30, but they have other waxing products such as wax strips that are cheaper if you wanted to try something else.
Take Care of Your Hair
Our hair is another thing that can suffer from exposure to the cold and artificial heating during the autumn, so I found the below infographic on autumn haircare really useful. You can check out the full blog post on AllCures for a closer look, but one of the tips I’ll definitely be following is using more oil on my hair. I currently use some Argan oil when my hair is drying, but this Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask* is also amazing for a weekly hair treat.
What are your autumnal beauty tips? Let me know in the comments below!
I too change my colour palette and go for dark, vampy shades. And coconut oil becomes my saviour for dry skin! 😀
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
Ooh heard so much about coconut oil, need to get some 🙂 xx
I use oils more often in the autumn/winter both on my face & body! I love the autumnal colours, but I’m a Spring/summer girl at heart! xx
Can’t beat brighter morning and actual warmth can you! xx
This is an amazing post!! I found it so interesting and helpful, so thank you!! 🙂
Becky Shannon xx – Life-by-Becky
Thanks so much Becky, glad you liked it 🙂 xx
I am totally a fan of the colder months actually but it does make me lazy with EVERYTHING, I love the change up of the colour palette and definitely need some extra moisturising xxx
Haha SO lazy, me too!
I never shave my hair, I’m waxing always, because I think it doesn’t hurt and it’s easier for me
I never tried the veet roll on kit. Anyways I’m gonna purchase it.
Ooh let me know if you do 🙂 xx
You’re totally right, autumn is the best time for berry reds 😉 But I’m wearing red seriously all the time. I just love it.
Ahh I wish I was brave enough to rock it all year round 🙂 xx
Great post! Fall didn’t even start yet and I’m finding myself moisturizing all the time, my hands are already so dry!
Ahh seems to come earlier and earlier! xx
I love summer!!! I believe I’m not going to wear darker lipsticks!!! I just love pink 😉 Amazing Post as always
I love the colder months it’s just nice with the snow and everything:( Sadly, my skin is dry so I can’t wear any makeup:( too much dry patches
I actually got started on my Fall colour palette a little early this year. I can’t help it — I loveeee dark, gothy makeup!
xo, alison*elle
Fantastic Review really enjoyed reading this i have the Elemis Loving Lips and i swear by it, leaves my lips moisturised with a great shine
Great post! Thank you 🙂
Your tips are great and I love your blog so much! Follow for a follow anyone? 🙂
Ooh I’ll definitely check out the Moroccanoil Hydrating Mask 🙂 I’m a big fan of the Repair version. I’m looking forward to pick up a few new Barry M shades for Autumn too! xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty | High-End Palette Giveaway
Ooh I’ll have to try the Repair one in that case! My hair is definitely in need of that haha xx
Great post! I`m kinda mad about dark lipsticks for winter makeup
Me too, they’re perfect! xx