5 skincare products I’ve picked up recently; 3 have become faves, while 2 have been complete fails. Can you guess which is which?
… No? Okay, I’ll just tell you (sorry for ruining the suspense, but this is not Game of Thrones).

The Faves
My first favourite is actually the newest product in my collection, the Amelia Moss Jojoba Oil* (£10). Like all Amelia Moss products, this is 100% natural and unrefined, and also has a multitude of uses; cleanser, moisturiser, shaving oil, hair conditioner – this oil can do it all. At first I used this after my normal cleanser as a moisturiser, and I have to say that I didn’t get on with it in that way at all. It was a bit too intense for my skin I think, and in the morning I felt that it left me a little greasy. However, I then tried using it as my first cleanser to take off my makeup and it worked like an absolute dream. A few drops of the oil massaged into my skin seems to just make my makeup dissolve, and I then use a slightly damp cotton pad to wipe it all away.
My next favourite is my Soap and Glory Total Drama Clean 5-in-1 Micellar Cleansing Water (£6) which is the most fuss-free but effective product ever. I use this after the Jojoba Oil to remove any stubborn makeup left behind (looking at you, Stila Stay All Day Liquid Eyeliner) and also to clean the excess oil away. The cucumber extract leaves my skin feeling very fresh, and so I also love to use it in the morning as a bit of a pick-me-up.
Finally, my moisturiser of the moment is the Kiehls Ultra Facial Cream* (£43.50), which I’ve had for a couple of months now. This is great for before bed, but is also light enough to use in the morning before applying my makeup. Despite it’s light texture, it still manages to really lock moisture into my skin. I used to get dry skin around my eye area, but since using this I haven’t had any flare-ups – partly, I think because it is so moisturising, but probably also because it’s very gentle.
Which brings me on to…
The Fails
I’m sure there’ll be plenty of people shocked to see Nip + Fab on my fails list, and I’m kind of one of them. Nip + Fab is a much-hyped brand, and apparently a favourite of celebs including Kylie Jenner. I myself tried their Dragon’s Blood Fix Cleansing Pads last year, and while I wasn’t exactly blown away by them, I did enjoy using them enough that I made a point of keeping my eye out for other products I could try (espesh as the range is quite regularly on offer in Boots etc). I was in Superdrug after Christmas and saw the two Glycolic Fix products in a gift set together, reduced to just £8. I snapped it up straight away, but now I wish I hadn’t bothered.
The Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix range is described as the ‘ultimate exfoliating range’, that is meant to ‘deep cleanse and purify the skin’. But what did it actually do? Oh, just make me feel like MY SKIN WAS BEING PEELED OFF LIKE AN ORANGE, THAT’S ALL. Okay, I might be being dramatic. But this stuff felt harsh. I don’t regard myself as having particularly sensitive skin, apart from my eye area, but the Glycolic Cleansing Fix (£7.95) just seemed to aggravate me. I suppose this is actually no great surprise as, now researching the product to get that link, I see that they advise doing a ‘patch test’ before using this wash. A patch test for a CLEANSER? That kind of says it all. The smell of the wash is also quite overpowering; it’s hard to describe, but it kind of takes my breath away (and not in a Leo Dicaprio way, but an ‘oh god I can’t actually take these fumes’ way). The Glycolic Fix Daily Cleansing Pads (£12.95) are thankfully less intense, but using them still isn’t really a nice experience.
I definitely accept that my ‘fail’ with these products is partly my own fault for not doing my research into glycolic acid to begin with. It is an intense exfoliating ingredient that is used in facial peels and the like, and is praised for its anti-ageing benefits and its help in reducing acne scarring. However, it is clearly just not right for my skin at this particular point in life. Lesson learned: do your skincare research if you want to avoid a fail like this (even if you do think you’re getting a bargain!)
I hope you all enjoyed this ‘Faves and Fails’ post, and let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more like this (my life is very much fail after fail, after all).
You have a great range of picks in this favourites girly !! I cannot believe I have never seen/tried the soap and glory Micellar water!! I’ve been obsessed with the Garnier one for years – but would love to give this one a go!! Eeeek I have heard how harsh glycolic acid is – but also how fab it can be hehe! It’s a shame the product didn’t work you you 🙁 … I enjoyed this read girly !! Thanks!
I had the same issue with the Nip & Fab cleanser.. First few days I thought it was amazing, but then my whole face just became a horrible dry mess. However I love the pads and they have worked really well for my acne.
Love the blog!! X
Ahh glad it wasn’t just me, clearly they’re not for everyone! xx
It’s a shame the NIp + Fab product didn’t work out for you! I’m always very nervous about trying anything with the word ‘acid’ in it lol! I’ve heard so many great things about the Kiehl’s product line though I’d love to try something out from there! Great post 🙂
By the way, I nominated you in my Beauty Blogger tag! Have a great weekend!
Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge
Yeah, to be honest the word ‘acid’ should really be a warning sign, haha! Definitely recommend you try some Kiehl’s 🙂 xx
I’m a huge fan of jojoba oil too! I’ve been trying to overhaul my skincare and had quite a research into glycolic stuff. From what I’ve seen the peeling/stinging sensation is quite normal but you have to build up a bit of resistance to it! I found the subreddit Skincare Addiction really useful, they talk about the Nip + Fab stuff quite a lot and how to build up to using exfoliating acids. Would really recommend taking a look!
Ahh that’s so interesting, I’ll definitely take a look! 🙂 xx
I definitely won’t buy anything from the Nip + Fab Glycolic range – my skin is so sensitive so this definitely wouldn’t suit but I love the sound of the jojoba oil! xx
Yep I really don’t think it’s one for us girls with slightly sensitive skin! The oil is gorgeous though 🙂 xx
Ooooo, that is such a shame about Nip+Fab Glycolic cleansing, I also have read not so good reviews on the Dragon Blood Fix Cleansing Pads. Never tried it due to the bad reviews but I love the glycolic pads!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
I quite liked the Dragon Blood pads but can see why they wouldn’t be for everyone, seem to be a brand that get very mixed reactions! xx
Peeled off like an orange haha … Bad times! A patch test for a cleanser seems really dodgy, think that’s one to avoid! I hadn’t heard of Amelia Moss but this sounds really good so I’ll be keeping an eye out for their products <3
Amy – Four Cats Plus Us
I definitely recommend checking them out, I also have a lovely cleansing water from them too 🙂 xx
Awesome round up of skincare! Love that you’ve put something that didn’t work for you (especially such a hyped up brand!). I’m going to have to see if Australian stores stock the Soap & Glory Micellar Cleansing Water. I love S & G, but haven’t seen this product!
Kate | themintedblog.com
Glad you liked it, and thanks for reading 🙂 Really recommend the S&G cleansing water! xx
I just picked up some jojoba oil and I’m excited to give it a try. This one sounds lovely, It always sucks when you buy new products and they just fail and work in some sort of tragic way.
Mallory // Perhaps Bananas
Ahh let me know how you get on with the jojoba oil 🙂 xx
Oh my, I’ll definietly be staying away from the Nip and Fab range! My skin is super sensitive, I can’t imagine what that would do to it! 🙁 Thanks for the honest review, hun!
Glad you found it useful 🙂 xx
Been hearing a lot of gret thing about jojoba oil! Will definitely pick one up on my next trip to the mall 🙂
Angelie // Sleek Makeup Base Duo Kit Review
Yay let me know how you get on with it if you do 🙂 xx
love nip&FAB skincare need tot ry soap and glory heard great things
I don’t know why but the Nip + Fab brand has never appealed to me and your review has quashed any desire to give them a go! I love Soap & Glory though so I’d be intrigued to try the make-up remover. I’m a fan of the Garnier Micellar Water so hopefully, the S&G one will be just as good! 🙂
I think its the ‘nip’ thing, I don’t want to be nipped haha! I LOVE the Garnier Micellar Water too so I think you’d like this – very similar but a bit more fresh feeling 🙂 xx
I’ve yet to try anything from Nip + Fab but this one the one product I was actually thinking about buying…but honestly I just adore the packing hahah.
You never know, you might get on with it really well but it wasn’t for me! Maybe try to nab it when it’s on offer so you don’t risk too much if you’re not a fan 🙂 xx
I really need to try the Kiehl’s Utra Face cream – it sounds like it’d be amazing for my skin, it’s so dry right now! xx
Jasmine Talks Beauty
It really is amazing, I don’t know how it moisturises so well without leaving skin at all greasy! xx
I cant get enough the the glycolic pads they are amazing! they have made my skin feel so smooth!
Ahh I’m glad they work for you, clearly made for some skin types and not others! 🙂 xx