Selfridges’ Personalised Christmas Gifts

Selfridges Personalised GiftsSo it’s the 14th of December and I can finally, FINALLY say that it’s happened. The day has come. The moment has arrived. I have a bit of Christmas spirit. Just a bit. A smidgen, some might say. But it’s there. And who do I have to thank? The Bullring, of course.

If you follow me on either Twitter or Instagram (@StylingoUK if you want to, cough cough) then you might have seen that I went along to a little blogging event there last week. It was a really cosy, relaxed affair with just a handful of my favourite Midlands blogging babooshkas, the tastiest food and cocktails, and some representatives from some of the best brands the Bullring has to offer.

We had the lovely ladies from Topshop, Oasis, Kiko Cosmetics and Selfridges all on hand to show us their finest Christmas wares, and of course it’s perfect timing as the Bullring is now open until 10pm for late night shopping in the run-up to Christmas. Seriously, if there’s anything that can get me in the Chrizzy mood then it’s the chance to wander Topshop past my bedtime.

Of course I love all of these brands (and I can’t wait to hot-foot it to the new Kiko store as soon as I have a spare five hours to devote to trying ALL. THE. MAKEUP), but the gift range that really stood out to me was Selfridges. As well as obviously being your first point of call for all luxury fashion, beauty and homeware bits, they also do some amazing gifts this year that you can get personalised. I’m a big fan of personalisation as it adds a little something extra to a gift, and gives the impression that you’ve put loads of effort in – even though you can get all of these gifts personalised online, from the comfort of your own bed. Heeheeeee.

Personalised Burberry Perfume | Personalised Christmas Tree Bauble | Personalised Nutella Jar | Personalised Sack | Personalised Famous Grouse Whiskey | Personalised Johnstons Cashmere Scarf | Personalised Christmas

Selfridges Personalised BaubleThe personalised gift range starts from prices as low as a fiver for the quirky Nutella jar, right up to expensive cashmere scarves and engraved jewellery. I also like the fact that as well as suiting every budget, there’s also a gift that can work for everyone. Whiskey for your dad, personalised present sacks for your neice and nephews, perfume for yourself  your mum. All sorted.

My personal favourite has to be the personalised bauble, which I was lucky enough to be gifted by Selfridges at the event. How bloody cute is it?! This is definitely the sort of thing that I’ll keep hold of for years to come. The same cannot be said for the chocolate inside though. Oops.

What do you think of these personalised gifts from Selfridges? Where are you doing most of your Christmas shopping this year? Let me know in the comments! 


4 Responses

  1. Sophie Sierra December 15, 2015 / 12:39 am

    So many dreamy personalised gifts with a unique edge. It doesn’t get much better than personalised Nutella! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

    • Claire December 20, 2015 / 2:02 pm

      It really doesn’t, haha! xx

  2. Rachel December 15, 2015 / 10:32 pm

    I am loving the personalised gifts at Selfridges! The bauble is so cute and I saw they were doing Moet bottles with images on which I thought was amazing! I really want that bottle of My Burberry! xo

    • Claire December 20, 2015 / 2:02 pm

      YES I couldn’t find the Moet online but they are so cute! xx

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