Outfit of the Day: Celeb Look Pom Pom Playsuit

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Celeb Look Pom Pom Playsuit* | Cow Vintage Denim Jacket | Asos Platform Heels


It’s Friday, I have had a couple of pints and about 1 tonne of biscuits. Life is good.

Another reason why life is good, is this absolutely GORGEY playsuit that the friendly folk at Celeb Look sent over to us. They also sent Claire a beautiful pink kimono, but I will let her fill you in on that beaut once she’s taken a few outfit snaps.

I have to say, I was never a playsuit fan really. I find them a struggle, especially if there are buttons and zips involved (loo problems, you get me). However, I absolutely adore this one and its the perfect playsuit to just wear during the day, and I have literally spent about 67 hours sitting in a pub garden wearing this lacey number.

Unfortunately, the weather has been SO GRIM here in the Midlands and we have been slowly freezing to death in the big lie they call summer (Claire and I had to have the heating on the other day, what is the point I ask you?). So, I’ve had to wear this EXCELLENT pom pom lace thang with black tights, my favourite ASOS platform heel things and my huge denim jacket that I can seem to remove from my torso no matter how hard I try. I can tell you right now, I am the toastiest girl alive.

Don’t forget you can like Celeb Look on Facebook too girls, they’re a lovely brand and thanks to Rebecca for sending us a few bits and pieces!

What do you think of this beauty and what are your favourite Celeb Look pieces?