As y’all no doubt know by now, we love cheap stuff and can never resist giving purse-friendly makeup a go – even if just out of morbid curiosity to see whether we break out in scales. Anywho, Makeup Revolution are most definitely the hot young things on the cheap makeup market right now, and I placed a sizeable order with them about a month ago. One thing I decided to throw in my online basket on a whim was The One Foundation, which boasts an impressive range of 16 shades and is uber affordable at only £4.
Packaging wise, the first thing I noticed was that this obviously bears more than a passing resemblance to MAC’s Face and Body. Brave, Makeup Rev, brave. The other thing that caught my attention was how teeny tiny the bottle is. ‘WHAT IS THIS?’ my brain yelled, ‘A FOUNDATION FOR ANTS?’* However, once I check the volume against my other foundations I realised it really wasn’t much less at all, and so the Borrower-esque appearance is more just down to lack of excessive packaging and pump etc.
*(I’ve definitely used that joke before on here, but I feel it’s still got some life left)
As I mentioned, the shade range is undeniably impressive, and one of main selling points on the website is that there is “ONE shade for everyone”. This is definitely something to be applauded, as I know lots of pale chicas struggle to find shades light enough, and similarly dark-skinned girls are seriously lacking in options when it comes to high street makeup. I opted for Shade 7, but probably should have gone for 9 as this is a little too pale for me when I’ve got a layer of fake tan on (hence why you just get to enjoy some fun hand swatches in this post, soz). On the plus side, it’s a yellow based shade which suits me much more than pinky-toned foundations.
The first thing to note about this foundation is that it’s really watery. Shaking before pouring any out is an absolute must, otherwise you get a literally clear liquid with random particles of foundation in. When mixed it still comes out very thin though, so you have to act quite quickly before it just absorbs into your hand or brush. Needless to say, when I first saw this I really wasn’t too impressed, and my hopes for The One plummeted faster than James Franco’s sex appeal after that 17-year-old scandal.

Partially Blended
HOWEVER, you know what dear readers? The foundation actually kind of impressed me. It’s marketed as full coverage, which I would say is definitely not the case. It applies quite sheer on the face, but is definitely buildable. After two layers I was quite happy to see most of my blemishes covered, and the finish is as matte as promised.

Fully Blended
I’ve worn this to work a couple of times and I will say that the staying power isn’t super amazing and by the end of the working day I would need some serious touch ups (ooer). So in that respect it’s definitely not a foundation for days when your makeup needs to last, but I think it’s well suited for those days where you’re just popping out to run a few errands or want to go quite natural looking without actually going natural (perish the thought). It’s also a good summer foundation, especially for girls who don’t struggle with their skin and like quite a light finish. If I had to sum up my views with some sort of physical sign of approval, then it doesn’t get a full round of applause and a celebratory fist pump from me, but it does get a pleasant nod of approval.
Have any of you tried The One yet? You can click here to read our other Makeup Revolution reviews.